Social Media

I LOVE it! (ok who doesn’t) AND I’m KIND of addicted…

But you should follow me!


Congrats you found me! This is a space where I express my creativity and hope to inspire y’all!


I have over 40 boards where I sort ideas for new projects, gifts or even just inspirational quotes.

Tumblr (residential life)

This Tumblr account is dedicated to Residental Life (or res life as we like to call it). It has some resources as well as some fun things only people in student affairs can truly relate to.

Tumblr (my inspiration)

This tumblr account is dedicated to my inspiration. Just as I hope you are inspired by what you ind here on my blog I am inspired by what I reblog on this tumblr account.

Instagram (personal)

I LOVE documenting my life, especially in pictures! This is where I share my pictures of my everyday life with the word!

Instagram (semi-professional)

Not only do I LOVE taking pictures but I consider myself a semi professional photographer. You’ll notice most of the images on this page aren’t square. That’s because I spend A LOT of time on composition and I’m not going to ruin it by cropping the image into a square!


This is where I spew my thoughts. (Literally) I love to hate the 140 character limit but I make it work. 😛

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A Kreative space for me to share my work and my projects!